Research & Publications
Research and publication is essential to support the development, credibility and defensibility of high stakes licensing exams. In addition to our own psychometric and assessment expertise, being part of a collaborative academic community enables us to engage with the knowledge, expertise and insight of others for the benefit of exams we design, develop and deliver.
Below are references to papers that members of our team have contributed to and that have been published either by ourselves or in peer refereed journals.
Due to copyright held by third parties, publications in peer refereed journals can not be downloaded in full from our website.
The Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme: The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) 2014–2022
September 2023
Eileen Fry & Richard Wakeford (2023)
The Law Teacher DOI: 10.1080/03069400.2023.2246359
The Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme: the multiple choice test 2011–2021
June 2023
Eileen Fry, Richard Wakeford, Jill Foster Taylor, & Janet Wright
The Law Teacher: Volume 57, 2023 - Issue 2, pages 223-232
The example of the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme
Eileen Fry & Richard Wakeford
The Law Teacher: Volume 51, 2017 – Issue 1, pages 98–103
Using multiple choice questions to examine the content of the qualifying law degree accurately and reliably: the experience of the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme
Eileen Fry, Jenny Crewe & Richard Wakeford
The Law Teacher: Volume 47 2013 – Issue 2, pages 234–242
The Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme: innovative assessment methodology and practice in a high stakes professional exam
Eileen Fry & Richard Wakeford
The Law Teacher, Volume 46 2012 – Issue 2, pages 132–145